
my face

Kamis, 17 November 2011

Many Facelities of Iain Sunan Ampel Surabaya

IAIN suanan ampel surabaya is wide and large of university. IAIN has many places and facilities,There are many places have facilities such as Library, Building and Language lab. This facility is used by university student because they need it.
            Many facilities in the library are like the collections of books, Audio visual including VCD,CD-ROM, Internet, Photo copy and Reading room. Audio visual services is service based Technology and information collection. Introducing students about library services in order students can find information or knowledge quickly and easily. They also provide assistance in the sources methods of information or knowledge. Through OP AC, CD-ROM, Internet, Library has reading room, services also that we feel comfort in reading books.
            IAIN sunan ampel surabaya has large buildings such as the buildings are made study for university students, Self Access Center is a place designated as a centre for developing foreign language skills, Ulul albab mosque, Psychotherapy, Medical clinic, bookstore, Ge-ma, Canteen, BTN and cooperative of Al-kautsar for sports facilities, there are football, field badminton and tennis.
            Language lab is a communication tool for knowing someone and knowing about the culture of another country. Especially, students who are the language major is very important because we also need a new vocabulary. The language lab are can help us to distinguish between the culture of Indonesia and the other countries.
            So that, IAIN has many facilities that we need it very much with the library, buildings and language lab, we can easy and quick to seek knowledge and information. Especially, language lab is very important for students who majored in the language that we have a lot of information and communication.  

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011


Writing is very important for our skill,in English department writing always needed by students but I feel difficult in writing because I do not have many vocabularies, I still confuse with structure because structure is very important for writing and I have found complicated of good idea or inspiration in my topic sentence.
             Vocabulary is indispensable for language  but I do not have many vocabularies because I do not have more time to read, I have found difficulty of new vocabulary in writing. Vocabulary is very important because it can to understanding for a reader, supposed I am reading but not understand with the texts so we are feeling confuse of this texts.
            Also,structure is form of sentence structure ,yet I still confuse with structure because structure is very important for writing especially for thesis. If I do not know it, I will feel difficult of writing. therefore we must have more time to exercise for structure that way our writing can be understood by readers well.
            Then, a good idea is make certain about plot of a story,if  there is not a good idea, I will found difficulty of a good idea or inspiration because I have not many vocabularies and I still confuse when I make certain about the topic .whereas writing exercises very important for me. If I do not have more time to writing exercises, I will feel complicated in writing.
            So that writing is very important for me if I do work about good thesis, I will need many vocabularies,good structure and a good idea when i can not found new vocabulary,i feel difficult of writing especially, for structure because structure is very important to understanding for a reader and also I must found a good idea or inspiration when we have found a good idea or inspiration we does not feel difficulty of writing.

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

bawa aku pulang

Angin berhembus pelan
Membelaiku dalam angan
Membawaku dalam lamunan
Mengingatkanku akan masa lalu yang kelam
Aku terpaku dan membisu
Melihat keterpurukan akan cintaku
Penyesalan tak berarti untukku
Hanya kenangan yang menusuk kalbu
Sepi telah butakan hati nurani
Semakin sepi semakin tak terkendali
Semakin diri kehilangan arti
Lelah ku berangan......
Menunggu datangnya cahaya terang
Lelah ku berangan........
Hingga membuatku jatuh tak tertahankan
Akankah datang seorang teman???????
Yang akan menuntunku terbang pulang.......

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Direct Method by yunita tiyas

Direct method
1.       What is the Direct Method?
The Direct Method is a method of language teaching refines from using the learner’s native language and uses only the target language, this method is also known as Reform Method/ Natural Method/ Phonetically Method and Anti-Grammatical Method.

2.       When did the Direct Method emerge?
Direct Method emerge when the Grammar Translation Method was not very effective in preparing students to use the target language communicatively. It emerge in the last quarter of nineteenth century as an alternative or reposte to the Grammar Translation Method.

3.       Where did The Direct Method Emerge?
At the first The Direct Method was introduced in France, but it was ignored in the country and the method found some supports in Germany,in Scandinavia, and finally people in france accepted the Method at the turn of century. And later the method was also developed in England and united States.

4.       Why did the Direct Method emerge?
The method Emerge because it was much needed replacement for Grammar Translation Method, as we know that Grammar Transalation Method is using Translation for studying another language, there were a lot of reactions againt the teaching of Grammar throught explanation and Translation and since 1850 has been propaganda campaign appeared to make teaching a foreign language is alive, fun and effective by using Direct method.
5.       How to apply The Direct Method?
Actually language teaching presented throughout may take different forms, there are  many ways to apply the method because no standardized procedure
In practice it stood for the following principles and procedures:
1. Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language.
2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.
3. Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully graded progression organized around  question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes.
4. Grammar was taught inductively.
5. New teaching points were introduced orally.
6. Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and pic­tures; abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas.
7. Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.
8. Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.
These principles are seen in the following guidelines for teaching oral language, which are still followed in contemporary Berlitz schools:
Never translate: demonstrate
Never explain: act
Never make a speech: ask questions
Never imitate mistakes: correct
Never speak with single words: use sentences
Never speak too much: make students speak much
Never use the book: use your lesson plan
Never jump around: follow your plan
Never go too fast: keep the pace of the student
Never speak too slowly: speak normally
Never speak too quickly: speak naturally
Never speak too loudly: speak naturally
Never be impatient: take it easy

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